I’m Shelley Lazear LCSW

Retirement  Coach

Helping You Find & Forge Your New Path

Goals and Purpose

Relationships and Leisure

Health and Wellness

Work and Learning

What Is Retirement Coaching?

As a Retirement Coach, I see myself as a guide to help you create a post-career fulfilling life. We will consider all of the non-financial aspects of your new lifestyle. Through discussion and a researched assessment, we can define what aspects of life in retirement have already been considered. Retirement coaching is a solution-focused and confidential process that allows you to begin the steps in designing this new chapter. What we will consider will be guided by your interests, attitudes, and active participation. 

Why Retirement Coaching?

In this day and age, with adequate planning for all parts of retirement, post-career time can be a time of vibrance, exploration, and fulfilling dreams. In order to create that kind of retirement, there are aspects of this stage that I refer to as the nonfinancial parts of healthy retirement life.

These changes and transitions do not happen overnight but take place in stages. Properly planning for these stages can help you live the retirement you deserve.  

What does Retirement Coaching Focus on?

These are some but certainly not all of the considerations and decisions to embark on when planning retirement. Oftentimes we fail to do a long-range plan for the nonfinancial but just as important aspects such as lifestyle, social and emotional needs, and health concerns of this pending change known as Retirement.

1. Values and Beliefs.

Exploring these will help you define your priorities for retirement.

2. Work and Learning

How will you replace the nonfinancial benefits from working? Will you want to work full or part-time in retirement? Will you want to explore freelance or entrepreneurial endeavors? Does volunteering, mentoring, or being on Boards call to you?

3. Health and Wellness

What good habits do you currently have and what will acquire that lead to a long and active retirement. How will you meet your physical, emotional, and spiritual needs?

4. Family and Friends

We are all social beings to one extent or another. How much, with whom, and how often is important to know. The ability to create connections and to involve yourself in activities will be helpful in meeting intellectual and social needs.

5. Leisure and travel

Careful consideration needs to be given to how much leisure time and travel jwill play a role in your retirement life . How do you like to travel and is that the same for others who might join you? Have you prepared a bucket list?

6. Home and Location

For some people, retirement also includes changing homes or acquiring “snowbird properties”. If staying where you are will you need to make any accommodations or changes to your current home?

About Me

 I am a licensed clinical social worker with over 30 years of providing counseling and coaching to individuals and couples in private practice. Prior to private practice I was the clinical director for an Employee Assistance Program and worked with hospitals, Education Systems, Banks, and small businesses where I supported individuals at all stages and levels.



“Retirement planning is daunting!   The prior 65+ years were laser-focused on schooling, building my law practice, and raising a family — not being retired for the last third of my life. 

Shelley’s expert coaching helped me see retirement is an unfolding process.  She helped me figure out my initial goals in retirement and how to create a structure that suits them.  Shelley gave me a rudder to steer and navigate my retirement voyage and I am so much happier and at peace for it!

Janet B

“Shelley coached and provided guidance through this process of retirement which she defines as “Rewirement”.  Working together is preparing me to address the “What’s next?“ Charting the course so I will be ready to dedicate myself to staying active and challenged is what we have been working on for nearly a year. She has been instrumental in helping guide me into developing a plan for what I want to do.”


Ronna T.

I am a woman in IT.    Everything they say about women in IT work is true.  I came to Shelley trying to figure out an exit plan on my own terms.  She helped me to find the confidence that I had done what I needed all along and could face the future and my retirement with that same confidence.




Debbie M

I am so glad I was able to take her recommended Retirement Assessment from which she helped me understand my answers and the directions I could take from the results and analysis.  Shelley asks insightful questions to encourage her clients to think through what they really want to do this year and beyond, and to use their skills and experience in a new way.  Shelley recognizes that how one spends their retirement years is as much a journey as any time during one’s lifetime.  Shelley supports and inspires this journey by providing excellent resources for every aspect of examining one’s retirement goals, desires, fears, and questions. I highly recommend Shelley to be your Retirement Coach!
Lynn G.

Don’t Wait! Find Your Joy. Live Your Best Retirement.

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